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Liberating Yoga

Photo by Yan Krukau

Buckle up, yogis and yoginis, because we’re about to challenge a long-standing belief: you don’t have to attend yoga classes religiously to master the art. Gasp! Yes, you heard it right. Contrary to popular opinion, the path to becoming a yogi or yogini isn’t exclusively paved with studio classes. In fact, history shows us that the pioneers who brought yoga from India to the West learnt from their teachers for a period of time and then embarked on their own solo journeys. So, grab your mat, loosen your ties to the studio, and let’s explore the liberating world of independent yoga practice!

Breaking Free from the Classroom Shackles:

Picture this: you’re not confined to a room filled with yogis striking picture-perfect poses. The practice of yoga extends far beyond the walls of a studio. While classes can provide structure, guidance, and a sense of community, they’re not the only path to enlightenment. Many of the early Westerners who brought yoga back from India learnt from their teachers for a period and then continued their journey independently. And you know what? It’s perfectly okay for you to do the same!

The Solo Journey: A Path of Self-Discovery:

Embarking on your solo yoga journey is a profound act of self-empowerment. When you step away from the classroom setting, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. You become the master of your own practice, free to explore different styles, sequences, and techniques that resonate with your unique needs and desires. No longer bound by a predetermined schedule, you can tailor your practice to fit your lifestyle, allowing it to evolve and grow alongside you.

The Beauty of Self-Practice:

Self-practice allows you to develop a deeper connection with your body, mind, and spirit. Without the distractions of a crowded room or the pressure of keeping up with others, you can truly tune in to your own rhythm and intuition. It’s an opportunity to explore the nuances of each pose, delve into your breath, and cultivate mindfulness on a more intimate level. As you listen to your body’s wisdom, you’ll discover new insights, strength, and flexibility—both physically and mentally.

Finding Guidance in Unconventional Ways:

While independent practice doesn’t mean completely cutting ties with guidance, it opens up a world of alternative resources. Nowadays, there’s a wealth of online classes, tutorials, books, and even apps that can serve as virtual guides on your yoga journey. You can access a diverse range of teachers, styles, and philosophies with just a few clicks. So, whether you’re on a secluded beach, in your living room, or even in a bustling city park, you can tap into the wisdom of countless yoga resources at your own convenience.


Dear seekers of yoga wisdom, it’s time to liberate ourselves from the notion that classes are the be-all and end-all of our practice. While studio settings have their merits, there’s a whole world of yoga waiting to be explored beyond those walls. By embracing the freedom of independent practice, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, allowing your practice to evolve in harmony with your unique needs and desires. So, break free from the classroom shackles, unroll your mat, and unleash the yogi or yogini within you.”

Embrace Your Flow: Discovering Your Personal Rhythm in Yoga

Embrace Your Flow: Discovering Your Personal Rhythm in Yoga

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